Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Pitch # 8

Anne, one of those eight people who can communicate in minds, announced that she was going to marry Alan, the son of the blacksmith and he had none special ability. Others were worried about that Alan would discover it someday if Anne communicated with them during the night; therefore, they persuaded Anne not to marry Alan, instead of married the guys in the eight. However, she didn’t listen to them because she thought Alan was his only love and, she didn’t want to waste her time for waiting an unknown person who she was not sure if he suited her or not. Moreover, she closed her mind and stopped talking with them, included her sister, Rachel. Eight months after their marriage, Alan got shot by an arrow in the field. As Anne was too upset and she was completely stressed out, she hanged herself and left a letter to her parents that stated those eight people were the murderers of Alan, but she was definitely wrong. Another important event was while Petra went to the woods alone; her pony was attacked by a weird creature. Since Petra was scared, she called the eight people by mind and they all arrived in different time. While some of them were gathering together, an unknown man came out suddenly without notice and asked them why they were all here. Fortunately, he didn’t ask for any details later on and they were saved. The story was getting more and more exciting, was it good to let everyone knew about this useful talent? Was this talent an image of god?

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